Our fleet questionnaire is now active. All fleets are invited to share information on the kinds of fuels they used, the number of vehicles they operated, and any fuel saving projects undertaken in 2011. This information provides a snap shot of clean transportation in the San Diego region for our annual report and allows the Coalition track progress towards its goal of reducing petroleum consumption in the region. This information may also help our coalition and stakeholders apply for future funding opportunities and incentives.
Click here to complete the questionnaire
The questionnaire should take less than 15 minutes and your information will not be shared publicly. Responses are requested by Monday, February 20.
As a “thank you” for participation questionnaire respondents will be eligible to receive one of five pairs of movie tickets, to be drawn at the close of the survey period. All respondents will receive free Coalition Membership for 2012. This includes discounts on events, recognition on our website and more.
We appreciate your participation.