Tuesday August 12, 2014- San Diego Clean Cities Coalition (SDRCCC) held a workshop, “Low Carbon Fuels Round-Table Discussion” downtown at the World Resource Simulation Center (SimCenter). This month’s interactive workshop combined presentations and small group discussions to go in-depth on barriers and solutions to increase deployment of low carbon fuels. The fuel types and vehicle technologies of focus were gaseous fuel, biofuels and electric & hybrids.
The workshop allowed attendees to ask questions and have personal discussions with regional fuel experts while gaining insight on regional low carbon fuel policies and implementation from planning professionals.
Attendees received a unique sensory experience due to the SimCenter’s setup of 12 large overhead screens surrounding the room. The screens projected data and graphs to support and augment the round-table discussions.
The workshop was well received with over 25 attendees ranging from city planners, fuel providers, private companies as well as national and international students.
Below are the workshop presentations as well as resources that were utilized in the round-table discussions.
Introductory Presentations
Clean Cities Introduction – Kevin Wood, SDRCCC Coordinator
Alternative Fuel Readiness Planning – Susan Freedman, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
Closing Presentation
Low Carbon Fuels – Planning & Implementation– Nilmini Silva-Send, Energy Policy Initiatives Center (EPIC)
Low Carbon Fuel Resources
Gaseous fuels table
Biofuels table
- Propel Fuels
- Newleaf Biofuel
- Pearson Fuels
- National Biodiesel Board
- Renewable Fuels Association
- Choose Biodiesel Flyer
Electric & hybrid table