Transpower Develops CNG E-Hybrid Modifications

San Diego-based TransPower develops power control and vehicle conversion technology to improve efficiency and reduce fossil fuel consumption. A main goal for TransPower is to optimize the performance of the engine. TransPower’s CNG hybrid work has recently received support from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and the California Energy Commission (CEC). Leveraging[…]

Round-Table Discussion Event Features Low Carbon Fuels

California is looking to reduce the contributions of transportation to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through policies such as the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32). In San Diego County, transportation accounts for more than 40% of total GHG emissions. Expanded use of alternative fuels is an important factor in reducing the carbon intensity of transportation. The[…]

Fleet Transition Blueprint: Natural Gas

While listing the benefits of transitioning a fleet to natural gas is easy, actually going through with a fleet conversion requires thorough research and analysis.  For those fleet managers seeking to move from gasoline to a cleaner fuel source like natural gas, the task may at first seem overwhelming. If you are a manager considering transitioning your medium-duty fleet to[…]

Alternative Fuels First Responder Training – Sign up Now!

  Take advantage of this FREE Alternative Fuels First Responder Training! With alternative fueled vehicles becoming more popular on the market, it is important that first and second responders are prepared to deal with these vehicles in case of an emergency…haven’t been trained yet? Register Here Presented in corporation with Clean Cities Coalition and Rio Hondo[…]

Natural Gas 201: Informational Webinar

On July 10, 2014, Westport and Clean Energy Fuels will be teaming up to provide part two of their free informational webinar series for fleet operators.  This webinar, titled “Natural Gas 201: Delivering Options,” will build on the basics of natural gas for transportation in order to provide more information on building a fleet with the alternative fuel. This webinar[…]

EV Roadmap Conference

The  7th EV Roadmap Conference will be held from July 24 -25, 2014 at the World Trade Center in Portland, Oregon.  The EV Roadmap conference has become known as the Pacific Northwest’s premier electric vehicle gathering and one of the leading electric vehicle conferences in the United States. EV Roadmap brings together Oregon’s early adopters with[…]

PCC Workshop on Zero Emission Vehicles in Fleets

The Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) Workshop on Zero Emission Vehicles in Fleets will be held on July 23, 2104 in Portland, Oregon.  The workshop is designed for people involved in managing and procuring fleet vehicles, representatives of organizations involved in the ZEV supply chain, ZEV policymakers, and people working on ZEV issues for non-profit and[…]

Workshop Recap: Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Best Practices

Wednesday June 18, 2014 – San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition hosted a workshop, “Best Practices for Alternative Fuel Infrastructure” at the California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE).   The workshop provided in-depth guidance and recommendations on developing and deploying electric and natural gas infrastructure.  The event was well received with over 30 attendees ranging[…]

Parker Demonstrates CNG Option for RunWise Hybrid Drive System

Parker Hannifin and partner Autocar have added compressed natural gas fuel to an Autocar E3 trash truck with Parker’s fuel and brake-saving RunWise hydraulic hybrid drive. This prototype using a Heil body, has been run through month-long initial trials with Republic Services in Chula Vista, California. The vehicle demonstration was conducted over one month on a collection[…]

Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Workshop – Sign Up Now!

Best Practices for Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Increasingly, fleets and consumers in Southern California are Converting to alternative fuel vehicles and creating greater need for accessible infrastructure. Implementing a fuel station can be daunting, so we’ve gathered some experts to walk you through the deployment processes for natural gas and electric vehicles and the requirements for[…]